Breaking down the College Choice & Application Process
FAFSA Completion Project
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A Say Yes, Buffalo Public Schools & University at Buffalo Collaboration
In 2013, researchers and volunteers from the University at Buffalo partnered with the Buffalo Public Schools (BPS) and Say Yes to Education Buffalo to create an intervention designed to assist students and families with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Say Yes to Education had just announced its tuition guarantee for graduates of BPS and the public charter high schools. To be eligible, students were required to complete their federal and state financial aid applications by April 1. The project was designed to partner with school counselors who, in many schools, were spending a significant time helping students complete their forms. In 2013, 40 volunteers helped BPS over the course of two months increase its FAFSA completion rates by 61.7% in a single year. Over the next 3 years the team has worked to expand the project and we currently serve in 23 schools in the district.
Our History
Our Mission
The price tag of college is a major road block to accessing higher education. Our project aims to educate students and their families on how to take advantage of free money provided through federal, state and local aid.
Current work
We work in most Buffalo Public High Schools and have a hotline to call with questions about filling out financial aid forms: 716-645-1116. You may also call this number to schedule an appointment.